AGU Executive Committee Meeting in Incheon – Korea 2016
AGU Office, Incheon (KOR): October 1, 2016: The Executive Committee meeting held in Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City in Korea on September 26, 2016.
After the opening of the meeting by Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Shathri, AGU President with a welcomed message of the attendees and wishes them a nice stay in Incheon – Korea. The meeting took these principal decisions:
1- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved the formation of the Voting office:
Member Lee Hosik EAST ASIAN Zone
Member Cynthia Norton South east zone
Member Mohammad Makki WEST ASIAN Zone
2- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved the yearly Budget 2015 which will be presented for approval at the General Assembly next day on September 27, 2016.
3- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved the yearly Budget 2016 which will be presented for approval at the General Assembly next day on September 27, 2016.
4- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved to Send a reminder to the Olympic Council of Asia Regarding our pervious request to add Aerobic and RG group events to the next Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia.
5- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved a suggestion to send official request for FIG to create a support plan for AGU countries who will host future Asian championships, since these event will be qualifying events for the Youth Olympic Games 2018 and Olympic Games 2020.
6- The Executive Committee (EC) has unanimously approved to submit a proposal for Mr. Bruno Grandi as following:
– Continents to nominate Technical Committee Members for each committee (Europe 2, Asia 2, Africa 1, PAGU 1, Oceania 1). The Member/members of each continent to be selected during the continent congress which to to be held prior the FIG election congress.
– The Continental Union must elect the member/members and submit to the FIG in its General assembly no later than 1 month before FIG congress. The FIG Congress to select the Technical committee presidents among the elected members.
– Then the FIG Congress will select one president for each technical committee among the nominated elected members provided by the continental unions.