AGU General Assembly Meeting in Incheon – Korea 2016
AGU Office, Incheon (KOR): October 1, 2016: The General Assembly meeting held in Songdo, Incheon Metropolitan City in Korea on September 27, 2016.
Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Shathri, AGU President opened the meeting with a welcomed message of the attendees and wishes them a nice stay in Incheon – Korea. In addition, he appreciates the invitation of Korea Gymnastics Association to this Congress and he takes the opportunity to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude, especially to the President of the Association Mr. Chan Kun HAN, and the Secretary General Mr. SOH Jeongho, and of course, all the people associate to this federation for their valuable cooperation with AGU.
Then the Vice-President of Korea Gymnastics Association and President of Incheon Gymnastics Association Mr. Wangjun LEE welcome the delegates present in Songdo, Incheon.
The meeting starts with a memorial for Mr. Saif Abu Edel: the FIG EC Member, a President of the Arab Gymnastics Union and the President of Kuwait Gymnastics Federation
The meeting took these principal decisions:
1- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved Formation of the Voting office:
Member Lee Hosik EAST ASIAN Zone
Member Cynthia Norton South east zone
Member Mohammad Makki EST ASIAN Zone
2- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved the agenda of the meeting
3- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved the minutes of the last General Assembly Meeting held in Doha – QAT on December 8, 2014.
4- Following the situation of the South East Asian Gymnastics Zone which is the following:
– We received a resignation from Mr. Jiradej Worapainkul on September 21st, 2015
– We received a minutes from the SEAGZONE of the Executive Committee Meeting dates August 29, 2015 held in Kuala Lumpur informing us that the EC of the SEAGZONE took the following decisions:
• Nominate Mr. KAU Git Kaur as President of the Zone and AGU Vice-President.
• Nomination of the technical committee members.
The problem is that the statutes of the South East Asian Zone is not approved by AGU yet because they did not update it according to our last version 2013. So this situation became against our statutes– For that – we wrote a letter to the federations belong to the zone to explain how to do with such situation, and the AGU EC approved unanimously:
– According to the official resignation of Mr. Jiradej Worapainkul, we ask the SEAGZONE Federations to nominate a candidate to the Vice-President who will be automatically President of the SEAGZONE (according to AGU Statutes 2013). The vote will be done during the Congress today just after all the reports.
– Then – SEAGZONE will have a General Assembly to decide about the board members and update their statutes, that must follow the AGU Statutes according to the Article 56: Approval of Statutes of Zones.
– Also – Review the Technical Committee Members according to the election made in AGU congress 2014.
• I want to thaks the federations belong to the SEAGZONE for their understanding. And we received 2 candidates for the President of the zone:
– From MAS: Mr. KAU Git Kaur
– From THA: Mr. Srayuth PATANASAK
* The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved to make election during the General Assembly and Mr. Srayuth PATANASAK decide to withdraw from this position.
– The new Vice-President of the AGU is Mr. KAU Git Kaur from Malaysia who will act as President of the SEAGZONE.
5- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved the yearly Budget 2015.
6- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved the yearly Budget 2016 which contain the AGU development project according to the following:
– The program and the Budget of the AGU Development Project 2016 approved by the FIG, the budget contains all the expenses of the project (accommodation, meals, expenses for the expert including the flight ticket and the per diem, also the local transportation and an amount to help and encourage the participants to come.
– FIG Approved the following program with a total of 265.000 USD
– The program contains 4 FIG academies: for MAG – WAG – RG and TRA in QAT and PHI which give good opportunity for our coaches to have a FIG Academy Diplomas.
– One training course for MAG in HKG and one training course for WAG in JOR – one training camp for AER in Thailand and one training camp for Gymnastics for All in Jordan.
– The Scientific Symposium will be confirmed later and should be organized parallel with a training camp.
7- Allocation of the AGU Events 2016 – 2019:
• Since we did not found organizer for the ART Senior Asian Championships in 2016, we prefer to organize in 2017 – Junior and Senior ART Asian Championships (it can be in the same country or in different country). To keep our Juniors competing because there no many junior’s events.
• We have a request from Kazakhstan Gymnastics Federation to organize RG Asian Championships in 2017
• Also a request from Kazakhstan Gymnastics Federation to organize ACRO Asian Championships in 2017
• Also we have a request from Mongolia Gymnastics Federation to organize an AER Asian Championships in 2017.
• In 2018: We have to find organizers for at least ART – RG and TRA events because it will be qualifying events for the Youth OG 2018.
• In additional we will have the Asian Games in Indonesia 18/8 – 2/9/2018.
• And finally the AGU Congress 2018 which should be elective to renew our authorities – for that we have a request from Qatar Gymnastics Federation to host again the Congress 2018.
– For your information, The Dates for our events was selected according to the proposal of the FIG to elaborate an annual calendar for gymnastics for whole the word, in additional the continent championships will be qualifying events for the Youth Olympic Games and also for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved the calendar of AGU events and request to coordinate with the Organizing Committee to finalize the place and dates as soon as possible.
8- The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved to Send a reminder to the Olympic Council of Asia Regarding our pervious request to add Aerobic and RG group events to the next Asian Games 2018 in Indonesia.
9– The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved a suggestion to send official request for FIG to create a support plan for AGU countries who will host future Asian championships, since these event will be qualifying events for the Youth Olympic Games 2018 and Olympic Games 2020.
10- in the Honorary Awards and Distinctions the president of the AGU propose the following:
AGU Choose this time a gymnast – She is a world and Olympic level gymnast who has competed for the Soviet Union, Germany and Uzbekistan. Her career as an elite gymnast has spanned more than a quarter century. She began competing at the international level in 1989 / She is the only female gymnast ever to compete in seven Olympic Games, and is one of only two female gymnasts to compete at the Olympics under three different national teams / She has also competed in 10 World Championships, three Asian Games and three Goodwill Games. She holds the record for the most individual world championships medals on a single event (nine, on the vault): Oksana Chusovitina.
The General Assembly (GA) has unanimously approved his proposal.
11- AGU President open the second session with the following:
2016 is a turning point for the FIG since the 81th Congress Meeting in Tokyo gives the opportunity to the FIG to renew its authorities. With the departure of the estimated Prof. Grandi, FIG will be introduced to a new kind of politics and the new upcoming president should affect all of us.
Today we will introduce you all our candidates to the FIG congress to memorize them very well because they will represent Asia in the first stage, and we have to help them because our aim is to retain the spirit “Together we are stronger” – their success is our success too.
So – we now face new challenges and responsibilities. We must build on our success and keep the AGU moving forward as partner with FIG and alongside our friends and colleagues in other continents.
Then, he presents all the Asian candidates to the next 81th Congress Meeting in Tokyo. Starting with Mr. Watanabe Morinari – candidate to the FIG President who speaks about his Quadrennial Plan (2017 – 2020 cycle), then Dr. LUO Chaoyi – candidate to the FIG Vice-President and then all te EC, council members to all the candidates to the technical committees.
Finally, Mr. Al-Shathri welcomes the President of the FIG – Prof. Bruno GRANDI with “We appreciate a lot the cooperation and the support that Prof. Grandi done for Asia, It is the reality not because he is here, I want to thanks him too much / Mr. Bruno has the opportunity to come in our meeting to have a speech, then we can have a discussion”
Followed by a presentation of Mrs. Nellie KIM – FIG WAG Technical Committee President which showing the performance of the WAG Asian Gymnasts during last world championships and Olympic Games 2016.
The meeting close with a nice photo of all the delegates present.