Jaspal Singh Kandhari elected as President of Chandigarh Gymnastics Associations
The Annual General meeting g of Chandigarh Gymnastics Associations held at hotel Mount view sector 10 Chandigarh on 9/7/2011. Forty three affiliated members from Chandigarh Schools, colleges. Punjab University, Chandigarh Police and clubs of Association attended the meeting. However S. Jaspal Singh Kandhari of Coca Cola was unanimously elected President for the third term of 4 years IE 2011-2015. S. Inderjt Singh was elected General Secretary for the second term unanimously. The members authorized president and General Secretary to select other members of the association.. S. D.S. Bedi offered to built international standard gymnasium at Shivalik Public School sector 41 Chandigarh next year. President elect S. Jaspal Singh Kandhari promised complete imported Gymnastics set for the Chandigarh Gymnasts at the School. Sh R. K Talwar General Secretary COA proposed that Chandigarh Sports Department should recruit more coaches for Gymnastics as there are only 2 coaches at present. S. Inderjit Singh General Secretary informed the house that Chandigarh Gymnasts won 2 Gold medals in spite of not having any Trampoline in Chandigarh which is an Olympic Event.
S. R.P Ranot General Secretary Himachal Gymnastics Association, Sh. Gurdip Singh Chandigarh Sports concil and Sh. Sharn Chandigarh Olympic Association attended meeting as observers respectivel