25 August, 2024

Successful Conclusion of Parkour Training Camp in Jordan with Diverse Asian Participation

The Parkour training camp, organized by the Asian Gymnastics Union in collaboration with the Jordanian Gymnastics Federation, concluded successfully under Her Royal Highness Princess Rahma bint Al-Hassan, President of the Jordanian Gymnastics Federation. The camp, held in Jordan, brought together participants from nine Asian countries: India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, and Jordan.

The camp featured training sessions led by international expert Charles Perrière, President of the FIG Parkour Commission. During the event, the Asian Gymnastics Union’s Parkour Technical Committee also convened, chaired by Kazuyoshi Haria from Japan. The committee members included Mohamed Al-Attar from Kuwait, Alireza from Iran, Motasem Al-Ghuwairi from Jordan, and Jiho from Korea, who joined via Zoom.

The organizing committee, led by Adel Awda, a member of the Jordanian Gymnastics Federation Board, along with National Parkour Team Coach motasem Al-Ghuwairi, Administrative Director Zuheir Hammad, and International Judge Munir Saqr, ensured the smooth execution of the camp.

At the closing ceremony, Charles Perrière and the organizing committee distributed international certificates to the participants. Representatives from India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Kuwait, Yemen, and Jordan received certificates for their participation in the camp.

On the final day, participants had the opportunity to visit Petra and other significant tourist sites in Jordan.

The success of the camp was attributed to the support of the Asian Gymnastics Union, led by President Abdulrahman lshathri.