The Executive Committee held a meeting in Doha, Qatar on 14 January 2023
AGU President Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Shathri, opened the meeting by thanking Qatar federation “I appreciate Qatar Gymnastics Federation on hosting this version of congress and we want to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude, especially to the President of the Federation Mr. Ali Alhitmi, and all the people associate to this federation”. Alshathri said
A Special welcome to Mr. Watanabe Morinari, the FIG president who accept our invitation to attend this meeting.Alshathri added
FIG president Mr. watanabi expressed his gratitude to AGU family represented by President Mr. alshathri, hoping for continued cooperation and support between the International Federation and the Asian Union.
On behalf of the AGU authorities and the Asian gymnastics community, AGU offers sincere condolences to the families and friends of the members we have lost in the last two years.
Then the meeting start with the following points:
- Approval of congress Agenda
- Approval of the minutes of the last Executive Committee Meeting of the last Congress in UZB 2021.
- Presentation of the Report from the President Mr. A-Rahman Al-Shathri
- Presentation of the Report from the President of the East Asian Zone – Miao Zhongyi
- Presentation of the Report from the South East Asian Zone – Srayuth patanasak
- Presentation of the Report from the President of the Central Asian Zone by Mr. Ruslan Mustaev
- Presentation of the Report from the President of the GfA-TC by Mr. Tatsuo ARAKI
- Presentation of the Report from the President of MAG-TC by Mr.Han Yoon Soo
- Presentation of the Report from the President of WAG-TC by Mrs. Rima ZAINAL
- Presentation of the Report from the President of RG-TC by Mrs. Gyozal FILIPPOVA
- Presentation of the Report from the President of TRA-TC by Mr. LIU Xing
- Presentation of the Report from the President of AER-TC by Mrs. TAMMY Yagi-Kitagawa
- Presentation of the Report from the President of ACRO-TC by Mrs. Aigul BIYEKENOVA
- The EC approved unanimously to reject the late registration for the development project 2023 .
- The EC member Miss Cynthia Norton presented a proposal for hosting RG junior & senior Asian championship in Philippine
- Timur Abduvaliev presented a proposal for hosting Art & Rhythmic Asian championship 2024 in Uzbekistan
- The EC unanimously approved to reject all late candidates for technical committees
- The EC Recommended adding parkour as an official discipline according to the AGU statue article 8.2
- The EC distribute the following development projects for 2023
- AGU present the AGU Events for the years 2023 – 2024