10 March, 2012

WAG Judges Meeting of the Junior ART & TRA Champ THA 2012

WAG-Judges-Meeting-JAC-THA-2012Suphanburi  (THA) AGU Office, March 10, 2012: Mrs. Radiye ZAINAL (SYR) Technical Delegate of the WAG event, opened the meeting and passed on a welcome message, wishing the judges a wonderful stay in the Suphanburi province of Thailand and success in their endeavour. She thanked the AGU and all the AGU affiliated federations for its confidence and wished all participants successful competitions. She gives an overview of operational procedures and organisational details and with collaboration of AGU WAG Technical Committee members both Lyudmila LI (UZB) and Tantikornphan KANOKRAT (THA) made the draw of lot of the judge panels of competition I which is Team, All-Around Final and Individual Qualifications events.








