New office Bearers of National Gymnastics Association of Sri Lankia 2011/2012
New office Bearers of the National Gymnastics Association of Sri Lankia has been elected for the next term 2011/2012.
The new office cosist of:
Hon President Priyantha Pathirana
Hon. Secretary R. A. K Jeewantha
Hon. Vice President A. W. Suraj Chandana
Hon. Vice President W.A.S.P. Meadonsa
Hon. Vice President T. Akbar Buran
Hon. Vice President C. T . Kumarage
Hon. Vice President K.L.C Silva
Hon Assistan Secretary Udara S. Liyanwala
Hon Treasure B.K.P.D Seneviratne
Hon Assistan Treasure L. W. Kaluarachchi
Hon Tournament Secretay Nihal Laknath
The contact details for the office is;
Gothami Uyana, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka
National Gymnastic Association of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Tel: +94112885535 – Fax: 94112885535
Mobile: +94773522300 / +94773876417
website: ; email: