AGU Common Training Camp 2011 – Aerobic Gymnastics in Korea
Doha (QAT) November 27, 2011: AGU Common Training Camp for Aerobic coaches was organised in Busan – Korea during November 23 to 28, 2011 in Busan Sports High School.
Participating nations: large turnout of participant to this course, this indicates the importance of this sport for many federation who encourage the development of this discipline. 11 nations and regions
Coaches: CHN(2), HKG(2), IND(2), IRI(2+1manager), JPN(2), KOR(2), MAS(2), PHI(2), SIN(2), THA(2), VIE(2)
Gymnasts: CHN(2), HKG(2), IND(2), IRI(2), JPN(2), KOR(2), PHI(1), THA(2), VIE(2)
Total number of participants: 34 (20 coaches + 13 gymnasts + 1 manger)
Expert: Ms. Young-Hee Song, Ms. Tammy Yagi-Kitagawa and Mr. Wang Hong
Demonstrators: Choi, Park, Rae,
With great hospitality of Korea Gymnastics Association with cooperation of Korea Aerobic Federation, the AGU Common Training Camp 2011 launched with great spirit of the participants.
Organization is very well that all the participants are satisfied with the course and board. We are all staying at the Guest House of Busan Sports High School and all the sessions are taking place in the Gym of the High School.
With very tight schedule, OC organized a night of sightseeing around the Busan for 3 hours and the participants got a taste of Korea while their stay.
Most of the sessions are done by Ms. Young-Hee Song. Mr. Wang Hong helped with 3 sessions and I helped 2 sessions and all are going very well. We received a compliments from the participants that “this Training Camp is the best one I have participated”.